Frank the tour guide takes the first Covid-19 vaccine jab today
Frank the tour guide receives the first jab of Covid-19 vaccine today.

Frank the tour guide receives the first Covid-19 vaccine jab today
Frank feels good!
As Hong Kong SAR Government wants to accelerate the vaccination programme, it allows a senior vaccine receiver aged 70 or above takes the vaccine with two carers.
It also uses the designated private clinics as the vaccination centers.
That is why Frank can take the made in China Sinovac vaccine with his mother at the family doctor’s clinic.
Frank and his mother have gotten the vaccination records.
Frank and mother are going to receive the second jab about 28 days later.
Have you taken the vaccine yet?
Frank will be vigilant and wait for the return of normality patiently
Frank the tour guide has done his best to support the Hong Kong SAR Government to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.
After taking the vaccine, Frank will keep the vigilance and wait for normality’s return patiently.
Frank hopes the World can say goodbye to the virus soon.
Frank really wants to say “welcome to Hong Kong” to his clients again during his Hong Kong private tour later.
For further questions, please contact Frank