Lunar calendar may not show the situation of South China
Today is the “Beginning of Autumn” in the Chinese Lunar calendar. You may view the video for “Beginning of Autumn”…
The weather of fall should be dry and cool.
However, today Hong Kong’s weather is hot and wet. Temperature is about 30°C. Relative humidity is about 85%. The Hong Kong Observatory even announces the “Very Hot Weather Warning”!

Hot weather of Hong Kong on the day of Beginning of Autumn (7 August 2020)
Actually the traditional Chinese Lunar calendar, which is also the farming schedule for farmers, may not show the situation for the whole China.
China is so large. Weather in different parts of China may not be the same.

Hong Kong is quite far away from the origin of Lunar calendar Henan Province
Hong Kong, which is the south gate of China, is the best example.
So even on the day of “Beginning of Autumn”, travelers still need Frank the tour guide’s easy and cool private car tour!
You may refer to Frank’s older post to see how Frank’s private car tour service give travelers a cool private tour experience…
Originally Lunar calendar was made for farmers in Central China, near Yellow River…
Lunar calendar has a very long history.
It was made by the government for the farmers.

Lunar calendar was made for the farmers. Photo shows farmland near Zhengzhou Henan Province in Central China
Farmers followed the calendar to farm their land, get good harvest and pay for the tax.
The origin of Chinese civilization was in Central China, which has a continental climate.

Unearthed funeral objects of Central China show you life of the past in Zhengzhou Museum, top left worker, guard dog of granary, top right pig kept by farmers, bottom multi-story granary
People developed their culture near the Yellow River.
So the Lunar calendar mainly indicates the climate and weather of Central China.
South China, which has the subtropical climate, is close to the South China Sea.
So weather and climate are not similar to the Central China.
So when people in Central China feels a little bit cool at night after the “Beginning of Autumn”, Hong Kong citizens still need strong AC at home at night!
The situation is similar to the differences between weather for Buffalo in New York State and Houston’s in Texas.
Buffalo is in the north eastern part of US and Houston is in the south.
Hong Kong is still hot and Travelers need Frank’s easy and cool private car tour
Travelers now know that even after the “Beginning of Autumn”, Hong Kong, which is in South China, is still hot and wet.
So if you want to have the easy and cool sightseeing experience, you can book Frank the tour guide’s private car tour service.
Frank’s service can solve your pain points in the summertime of Hong Kong.
You may refer to Frank’s older post to get more information…
1.July hot weather’s pros and cons for travelers and Frank’s private car tour solution
See you next year after the Covid-19!