Client John’s good review for Frank’s Hong Kong Island & Kowloon full day private car tour
Client John Storms of Easy Hong Kong Private Tour gives good review for Frank’s Hong Kong Island & Kowloon full day private car tour.
He was “happily surprised at how comfortable” he and his families were during the full day tour service on a hot and humid day.
Actually we improvise the tour program by replacing the beautiful but largely outdoor Nan Lian Garden by the air-conditioned and meaningful Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence, which also has an amazing sea view of the Eastern part of Hong Kong!
This change brings comfort and easiness to clients during the hot and wet summertime of Hong Kong from May to September.
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Tanks exhibits at Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence

Enjoy nice view for Kowloon from the indoor and air-conditioned exhibition hall at Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defence
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The beautiful and largely outdoor Nan Lian Garden.
Thank you very much!